What Remains

This website is obviously under construction, but uh if anyone sees this. congratulations!

This is a picture, it is not a picture of me, this picture is amusingly legaly distinct from my person, but if you chose to see me in it, or see it as me, it is the wish and the will of your world.

OH, ya. I forgot, I should probably tell you about this place huh...

So, this is apparently a website huh. welp...

The main things I plan to do with this place is well, honestly whatever. In my free time I make stories and tell music- err make music and tell stories, I mean. Oh and I also make random art. Or math. You know what, basically anything that involves creativity I've dabbled with. This list now includes websites apparently...

Anyways. I plan to have a large portion of this site dedicated to a story I've been wanting to tell for, oh, a while. It was originally supposed to be a comic... I can't draw like at all, especially people. So I'll make it into a website instead. But before I start I plan on doing a practice run, with a story in the same world. I have to figure out how to website first ofc. Like I said, I also do a bunch of other creative stuff, so I'll probably post an amount of that stuff here, maybe.

Oh but I'm not just stuck in worlds of my creation, no no. I'll also post things like tips I've discovered /found to manage my ADHD (if I find any...). and I'm sure there will be other advice, or stories of what's going on. Blogging seems silly because who would want to read my blog, but hey, I read others so who knows. Maybe I'll post music reviews, or reviews of other things. You know, try to help people find cool stuff to indulge in.

I mean, this is my website, I can put whatever I want on here...

Because sometimes, sometimes it's nice to put things into the world, independent of whether or not anyone but me will ever see it.